The General Assembly of U.N
The General Assembly is one of the Principle Organ of the
U.N. The General Assembly consists of all the members of the U.N. Each member
can have maximum five representatives. At present there are 193 members last joined
South Sudan.
Voting Right:
Each member of U.N has one vote. Decisions on important
questions are made by two third 2/3 majority of the members present and vote.
Decisions includes the matter related to maintenance of International peace and
security; elections of the members of Economic and Social Council (ESC) and
Trusteeship Council.
Functions & Powers:
According to Prof. Leonards classification of powers and functions
of G.A is as following;
Deliberative Functions.
Supervisory Functions.
Financial Functions.
Elective Functions.
Constituent Functions.
(i) Deliberative Functions:
Functions regarding decisions, discussions, studies,
declarations and different matters. Matters within the scope of present
Charter: or relating to functions and powers of other organs.
Art. 12 of U.N Charter provide an exception to
interference with Security Council unless it is requested to do so.
G.A considers general principles of cooperation
in the maintenance of international peace and security.
G.A may call attentions of the S.C to situations
which are likely to endanger international peace and security Art. 11(3).
Art. 13 G.A entrusted important responsibilities
that it can initiate studies and make recommendations for the purposes of;
Promoting international cooperation in political
Encouraging the progressive development of
International law and its codification;
Promote the international cooperation health
fields and assists in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedom.
(ii) Supervisory Functions:
The G.A supervises the functions of other principal organs
and specialized agencies of U.N;
Particularly exercises sufficient control over;
Economic and Social Council; and
Trusteeship Council.
Infect these two organs works as
subordinate organs of G.A. Security Council and other organs of the U.N have to
submit annual reports to the G.A.
(iii) Financial Functions:
The G.A considers and approves the budget of the U.N. The
expenses of organization shall be borne by the members of the G.A. The G.A examines
and administrates the budgets made for the agencies of the U.N with a view to
making recommendations to the agencies concerned.
(iv) Elective Functions:
Decision the members by two third majority present and vote
can lead to:
Election of new State to U.N and also suspension,
expulsion or deprivation of its vote due to preventive action taken by Security
Council for violation of laws of charter
and failure to payments of financial contribution respectively.
Election of member of other organs:
It elects 10 non-permanent members of the
Security Council.
Elects 54 members of Economic and Social
It also elects some members of the Trusteeship
Take part in the election of the judges of
International Court of Justice.
Also take part in appointment of Secretary General.
(v) Constituent Functions:
The G.A takes part in the amendments of the Charter. The two
third majority of the members pass the Charter and it should be rectified in
accordance with the constitutional processes again by the majority of two third
of the members.
Amendments to Article 23, 27, and 61 of U.N Charter were
adopted by G.A on 17th December 1963 and came into force on 31st
August 1965.
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